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Porter NP6 Flò Gelato

The Porter NP6 Flò Gelato is the ideal solution for all ice cream parlors that want to easily be able to reach their customers while always guaranteeing the freshness of raw materials on board.

The vehicle's ergonomic design makes serving a large volume of customers simple, even during street food festivals, weddings, private and catering events, while showing off the shop’s products and services in an innovative and original way.


    The bifuel motorization is able to guarantee high performance with considerable savings on refueling costs. In addition, this type of power supply favors the transition towards sustainable mobility by making an impact on reducing CO2 and particulate emissions released into the environment.


    Thanks to its lithium-ion batteries, the Porter NP6 Flò Gelato is capable of storing electricity and supplying enough to get through a whole day's work without the frequent and agonising search for an electrical socket. All the equipment installed inside and the ice cream storage pits are completely independent during transport and work.


    The spacious interior is designed to offer total comfort and create a functional working environment on board, allowing you to reach your customers in parks, schools and exclusive events. It has spacious product storage compartments and an ice cream counter, which are essential to ensure professional service as well as fresh products. 

Attractive and customisable design

    The Porter NP6 Flò Gelato is fully customizable from graphics, to furnishings and finishes, allowing you to create a vehicle tailored to your communication and marketing needs. It has a counter with an optimal height from the ground, ideal for direct contact with customers while providing space for innovative and original strategies for displaying one's products.

Greater choice

    A valid alternative to gelato pans is represented by containers that allow for the direct showcasing of your creations and experimentation with the presentation of unique and unusual ice cream flavors to engage and pique the curiosity of the audience.

Sustainable business

    The latest frontier of sustainability in the street food sector is represented by solar panels installed on the roofs of Food Trucks. Powered by batteries connected to solar panels, these Trucks are designed to minimize energy consumption and environmental impact while also ensuring a cutting-edge business model that aligns with the latest market trends.

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Project financed within the framework of POR FESR Toscana 2014/2020 aimed to:
1. sales and promotion of Made in ltaly food trucks abroad
2. improve the digital, organizational and promotional efficiency of the company
3. digitize production processes by streamlining them, sharing them, modifying the perception of the brand on the network and on social networks, also implementing the tools in terms of big data analysis