6 February 2019

What is your size?

What is your size? When you are starting an adventure on the road it’s important to reflect on the image you want to give to...
23 January 2019

StreetFoody: our days at Sigep

Sigep in Rimini ended today, after five days. As usual, StreetFoody took part to the exhibition. Five days loaded with events and meetings: many visitors at the...
9 January 2019

StreetFoody at Sigep 2019

Ready for Sigep 2019? Here at StreetFoody we can’t wait Sigep to start in Rimini. This year we have developed a series of new proposes...
7 December 2018

An ice-cream(y) winter

Who’s been following us on social media knows it well: from 2nd to 5th of December we were at the Mostra Internazionale del Gelato artigianale...
12 September 2018

StreetFoody guarda (anche) oltre confine!

I nostri veicoli sono pronti a superare il confine italiano e a portare la qualità del Made in Italy anche nel resto dell’Europa. Completamente realizzati...
1 August 2018

StreetFoody va in vacanza!

StreetFoody va in vacanza per un po' di meritato riposo: l'azienda sarà chiusa dal 6 al 24 agosto. Saremo a disposizione nei prossimi giorni per rispondere...

Project financed within the framework of POR FESR Toscana 2014/2020 aimed to:
1. sales and promotion of Made in ltaly food trucks abroad
2. improve the digital, organizational and promotional efficiency of the company
3. digitize production processes by streamlining them, sharing them, modifying the perception of the brand on the network and on social networks, also implementing the tools in terms of big data analysis