6 February 2019
What is your size?
What is your size? When you are starting an adventure on the road it’s important to reflect on the image you want to give to...
23 January 2019
StreetFoody: our days at Sigep
Sigep in Rimini ended today, after five days. As usual, StreetFoody took part to the exhibition. Five days loaded with events and meetings: many visitors at the...
9 January 2019
StreetFoody at Sigep 2019
Ready for Sigep 2019? Here at StreetFoody we can’t wait Sigep to start in Rimini. This year we have developed a series of new proposes...
21 December 2018
Merry Christmas and a happy new year from StreetFoody!
Merry Christmas and a happy new year from StreetFoody! This year is already ending. And the StreetFoody team is ready to spend the festivities with...
12 December 2018
The Ape that doesn’t stop in winter: Blend4 on the road
Blend4 on the road was born - as the name explains - from the wish of Ivano Antonini, owner of the restaurant Blend4 in Azzate,...
7 December 2018
An ice-cream(y) winter
Who’s been following us on social media knows it well: from 2nd to 5th of December we were at the Mostra Internazionale del Gelato artigianale...
29 November 2018
Biotruck the van passionate about wellbeing and environment
Biotruck is a Porter Piaggio that since April 2017 travels on the roads of the French Switzerland carrying organic, vegan and vegetarian dishes. On board...
23 November 2018
Gricia Road: passion for main courses on the road
"I've always loved cooking main courses and I understood that a vehicle could have been the right choice to make my passion into a job....
14 November 2018
Apino streetbar: a bar on wheels on the Lake Maggiore
“Apino streetbar is a real bar active from morning to night. It’s a café: a professional compact coffee machine was installed on board. But it...
7 November 2018
Streetfood doesn't stop in December: come and meet us at MIG!
Christmas is almost here and with the holiday season many opportuities for your business on the road come. From markets to events there are many...
24 October 2018
Discover our carts for ice-cream, wine and cocktails
Are you the owner of a pub or of a catering and you wish to enrich your offer? Would you like to give a boost...
19 October 2018
Tuscan street food: a fleet of Ape promoting Tuscan quality food
“We chose a fleet of Ape bacause the vehicle is made in Tuscany, in Pontedera, and it used to be the mean of transport used by farmers...
10 October 2018
The story of Mò che tigelle, the foodtruck that spreads an Emilian tradition around Italy
“When I chose to change my job I wanted to make a passion into my new profession", says Simone Ligabue, owner of Mò che tigelle. “I learnt...
3 October 2018
I nostri veicoli sono completamente realizzati nella nostra sede a Terranuova Bracciolini, in provincia di Arezzo. Siamo così orgogliosi della nostra produzione completamente Made in...
27 September 2018
Brasserie d’Avril: the tradition from Apulia and parties in villas
“Brasserie d’Avril on the road has been on the market for three years and for the first couple of seasons we've been working on festivals...
21 September 2018
StreetFoody a Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2018 di Torino!
Il team StreetFoody in questi giorni è a Terra Madre Salone del Gusto 2018 a Torino. Con ben due dei nostri veicoli! Ecco dove puoi...
12 September 2018
StreetFoody guarda (anche) oltre confine!
I nostri veicoli sono pronti a superare il confine italiano e a portare la qualità del Made in Italy anche nel resto dell’Europa. Completamente realizzati...
5 September 2018
Back to Work: i nostri appuntamenti di settembre!
Siamo tornati al lavoro e per settembre abbiamo programmato ben due eventi pensati per chi ci vuole conoscere ed è curioso di scoprire come lanciare...
1 August 2018
StreetFoody va in vacanza!
StreetFoody va in vacanza per un po' di meritato riposo: l'azienda sarà chiusa dal 6 al 24 agosto. Saremo a disposizione nei prossimi giorni per rispondere...
25 July 2018
Il gelato biologico della Tenuta la Parrina sceglie il carrettino gelato
Situata tra la laguna di Orbetello e la Maremma Toscana, la Tenuta la Parrina è un’azienda agricola circondata da vigneti uliveti e frutteti: le coltivazioni...