ape piaggio

When street food meets soccer, it’s always a goal! After we collaborate with Fiorentina, it’s time for Di Marco and his Ape Pinsa to join Casa Azzurri: the headquarters of the FIGC and the Italian National Soccer Team. A combo that brings together gastronomic excellence with a passion for soccer and a love for our team, engaged in the 2024 European Championship. And what’s more Italian and convivial than an Ape ready to serve pinsas dedicated to the Azzurri?

Pinsa Di Marco is the official sponsor of Casa Azzurri for three years, and on the occasion of the European Championship, they have brilliantly introduced an Ape Pinseria. The idea is simple: every home is Casa Azzurri, and Pinsa Di Marco symbolizes home, friendliness, and shared experiences. The Ape will be the travel companion in this adventure and, before reaching the Casa Azzurri headquarters in Germany, it will make 4 special stops in and around Rome. For the occasion, Di Marco, along with Pinsa Chef Marco Montuori and the Autogol team, has created a series of interviews with 4 exceptional testimonials to kick off the new European experience. Have you seen the interviews with Pierluigi Pardo, Davide Frattesi, Matteo Pincella, and Luca Toni? If you missed them, catch up on their channel now!

In this project, the Ape serves a dual purpose: to market in a country, Germany, where the company has already been operating with great appreciation, and to support and promote the Italian National Team. It is designed to perform well in terms of performance and efficiency, as the chef will use it to prepare and bake his pinsas for all the fans and staff present at Casa Azzurri.

And here’s where we come into play! A project to be completed in record time. Naturally, the Piaggio Ape was chosen, a symbol of Italian culture and conviviality recognized worldwide: the ground operator allows direct and warm contact with the public, making everyone truly feel at home. Moreover, this model of Ape is perfect for Pinsa, as it can accommodate larger ovens, increasing production capacity.

We assisted the agency in choosing the truck’s setup, advising on space organization, and meeting all their needs. We opted for two refrigerated areas and a large storage area to ensure everything is always at hand. And after receiving approval for the technical project…

We present the Ape, ready and operational!

We will closely follow the adventures of Casa Azzurri throughout this month of soccer, and beyond! In fact, at the end of the European Championship experience, the Ape Azzurra won’t disappear: you will find it traveling around Italy, participating in all events related to the national team and many other activities.

We are thrilled to have contributed to the realization of this project. We can’t wait to celebrate this collaboration with the fans during the European Championship and for all future challenges. From today, Casa Azzurri has an extra gear!

Project financed within the framework of POR FESR Toscana 2014/2020 aimed to:
1. sales and promotion of Made in ltaly food trucks abroad
2. improve the digital, organizational and promotional efficiency of the company
3. digitize production processes by streamlining them, sharing them, modifying the perception of the brand on the network and on social networks, also implementing the tools in terms of big data analysis