Brooks Running has chosen StreetFoody


Brooks Running, a well-known running footwear company, has chosen a StreetFoody vehicle. To learn more about how the truck is used and why a sporting goods brand has chosen a solution on wheels, we spoke to Tobias Gramajo.

Why did Brooks choose a vehicle?

"To increase the visibility of our brand during our 'on the road' events".

In particular, why a truck?

"Because it gives us the opportunity to create an authentic, 100% RUNNING, but itinerant experience. Having a layout similar to that of the shop, with a slatted wall, a screen where videos and images can be projected, and with the possibility of storing test shoes, the right size was the truck ".

How is it used?

“It’ used for a tour across Italy, where we welcome runners into our world, to involve them in a 360 degree Brooks RUNNING experience".

How strategic was the truck's support during this period?

“It supported us during our most important 'on the road' activities, adding further quality and brand awareness, to the top-level consultancy work done by our technicians and to the quality of our products".

Why did Brooks chose  StreetFoody? And how would you describe the experience?

“With StreetFoody we found each other by chance, but there was a perfect understanding right from the start. StreetFoody was a partner of the highest quality, of great support during all phases of design, construction, preparation and finishing of our vehicle .We can only recommend StreetFoody to those who need a truck”.

Project financed within the framework of POR FESR Toscana 2014/2020 aimed to:
1. sales and promotion of Made in ltaly food trucks abroad
2. improve the digital, organizational and promotional efficiency of the company
3. digitize production processes by streamlining them, sharing them, modifying the perception of the brand on the network and on social networks, also implementing the tools in terms of big data analysis